Constitution of the Glass Society of Ireland (including the Contemporary Makers)
What is the GSOI?
The Glass Society of Ireland is an all-island, non-profit association that opens a window onto the contemporary Irish Glass Community, both here in Ireland and abroad. It provides a forum to the glass community to connect members, share information and promote all aspects of the material and champion our cause. The GSOI is a volunteer and member-run organization and is registered as a non-profit organisation with the Irish Revenue Commissioners, No. 3694154IH
Our Aims
- Highlight excellence in Irish glass; by creating a platform for current activities and hosting events that are relevant to our community in Ireland and internationally.
- Increasing the visibility of our craft; through educational programmes, publishing and working with our glass community in Ireland and abroad.
- Advocate for our community nationally and internationally; gathering relevant data with which to advocate and inform relevant bodies in future strategic planning for our sector.
- Facilitate communication and networking; utilising online and physical platforms to provide networking opportunities for our members.
- Increase public appreciation of the quality of work being created in glass in Ireland; through active promotion of exhibitions and events; championing the work of our members.
- Develop the international profile of Irish glass by continually building on international partnerships to increase the global exchange of knowledge, education and encourage collaboration.
The GSOI is governed by an elected Board and a number of sub-committees. The permanent Officers within the organisation are Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer with several other executive rolls with specific tasks – Education, Publication, Marketing/Social Media and Student Reps backed up by regional representatives. The Officer positions will normally be through nomination and must be seconded by another board member followed by a vote. Each Officer roll is for a two year period.
Sub Committees
The GSOI relies heavily on Sub-committees’, usually made up of 2 to 5 people and are charged with specific tasks/projects. Positions on them are voluntary and are normally filled from within the Board by, but not limited to, members with previous experience in the area. The Sub-committees provide regular updates on their progress to the Board.
The membership of the GSOI is open to practitioners, educators, artists, curators, collectors, academics, gallerists, enthusiasts and clients of all levels and diversity with a specific interest in glass. Membership is open to the Irish glassmaking diaspora and international artists who have decided to call Ireland home. In becoming a member, it’s understood that you are committed to the aims of the Society and it’s objectives and are respectful of fellow members. A membership fee is paid annually with 3 rates – student, regular and corporate membership. The GSOI reserve the right to refuse or terminate membership.
The GSOI schedule monthly meetings of the Board. The Secretary circulates the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting in advance. The Chair hosts and runs the meeting with reports and updates given by sub-committees and/or officers; any other topics for discussion are dealt with under AOB. Any motions tabled are voted on with a majority required for it to be carried. An AGM of the organisation is scheduled annually to which any member is welcome to attend and reports on the organisation’s activities are given.
This document sets out the basic framework and operations of the GSOI. Any amendments to it, the GSOI’s structure, operation or rules has to be agreed at board level by a majority of three quarters of the board.
GSoI may be dissolved by the agreement of not less than three-quarters of those members present at a General Meeting specifically summoned for this purpose. Any funds existing at the time of dissolution shall not become the property of any member or members but shall be devoted to furthering the aims of GSoI defined above.