The Golden Fleece Award
aims to support and promote the diversity of contemporary Irish
creativity in the arts and crafts. Its mission is to help artists of
innovative talent, needing support at strategic stages of their careers.
The Golden
Fleece Award is an artistic prize fund established as a charitable
bequest by the late Helen Lillias Mitchell. The Award was launched in
2001, and is now widely seen as a stamp of merit in the realm of Irish
art. Applicants will normally have been born on the island of Ireland
and must maintain a strong connection with Ireland. They should be
artists or researchers working in the area of figurative visual art or
of the traditional crafts. (Researchers planning a submission should
consult the Guidance for Research Applicants).
The areas of
figurative visual art includes painting, sculpture, and other visual
media such as etching, drawing and printmaking. Traditional craft refers
to work with a basis in traditional skills and materials. These include
woven textiles, spinning, dyeing, glassmaking, jewellery, ceramics,
metalwork, stonework and woodwork, etc. Further details, requirements
and how to apply can be found on The Golden Fleece Award website. The
deadline for applications is the 23rd of November 2012.