A series of online talks on Irish Stained Glass from the 1930’s to the present day will be held on the second Tuesday of each month and given by Irish scholars, academics and practitioners.
The first in the series is 120 years of Irish Stained Glass scheduled for Tuesday, March 8th at 7:30pm Irish Time.
Presented by David Caron ‘120 Years of Irish Stained Glass’ highlights Irish Stained Glass from the foundation of An Túr Gloine in 1903 to the present day.
For more details see our GSOI event calendar listing: https://www.glasssocietyofireland.ie/event/120-years-of-irish-stained-glass-glass-society-of-ireland-lecture-series/
The next lecture in the series is Richard King’s Stylistic Development from 1930-73 scheduled for Tuesday April 12th.
Presented by Ruth Sheehy, this lecture focuses on Richard King’s commissions for Catholic churches in Ireland and overseas. Artistic influences that formed his development such as his mentor Harry Clarke and other Irish modernist stained glass artists such as Evie Hone, will be discussed.
For more details see our GSOI event calendar listing: https://www.glasssocietyofireland.ie/event/richard-kings-stylistic-development-from-1930-73-glass-society-of-ireland-lecture-series/
The May lecture will be Medieval Stained Glass- The Original Social Media on Tuesday May 10th
In this lecture Colette Langan invites you to consider how stained glass was greeted by the medieval mind. This will be an exploration of the imagery in stained glass that reflects surprisingly contemporary issues.
For more details see our GSOI event calendar listing: https://www.glasssocietyofireland.ie/event/medieval-stained-glass-the-original-social-media-glass-society-of-ireland-lecture-series/
The June lecture will be The Global Reach of Harry Clarke Studios on Tuesday June 14th.
Paul Donnelly will present how Harry Clarke Studios became one of the most important Irish art businesses of the 20th century.
For more details see our GSOI event calendar listing: https://www.glasssocietyofireland.ie/event/the-global-reach-of-harry-clarke-studios-glass-society-of-ireland-lecture-series/
Stay tuned as more events are scheduled for our Irish Stained Glass Nearby Lecture Series. Follow our eventbrite series to stay up to date! https://www.eventbrite.ie/cc/irish-stained-glass-nearby-lecture-series-161949